Best Exercise for weight loss. Fast Fat Burn Exercise

The Best Exercise For Weight Loss

During this time period everyone wants to stay fit so all the world trying to loss weight by exercise and diet.
Due to Dieting people face many body problems and they cannot find it suit according to his body so they prefer exercise. Exercise is the best way to loss weight easily in less time. Some Exercise best for belly fat, some for thigh pain and some other for all over body fitness.
Besides to lose weight Exercise help to Strong Bones, skin make glowing, improvised body immunity system and improvised body capacity system.

👉 Running 

Running is the best exercise to lose weight. It is helps to lose fast belly fat. It reduce the heart diseases and diabetes and make a healthy heart. 30 minutes Running helps to burn approximately 372 calories.

Running is a daily basis exercise which we can done easily anywhere without any interrupt and continue in our weekly routine. To get start and aim 3-4 times in a week for 30 min. 

👉  Cycling 

This time period cycling is the most trending exercise. Everyone chose the cycling as a weight loss. People loves cycling in morning as well as evening at any area whether it is a street road or main market area. It is gives enjoy as well as help to burn fat .

30 min. cycling burn approx. 270 calories.

Cycling increased insulin sensitivity, and lower the risk of heart diseases, cancer and death . It help to increased immunity system makes us overall body fitness  

👉 Walking

Walking is the best exercise to loose weight and is a easiest method to maintain fit. That can be fast and normal , both are helping to lose weight. one of the main reason here is no need any equipment to start this exercise.

30 min. walking will reduce the approx. 200 calories.

It is easy to fit walking into your daily routine. you can do this any time in a day. It can be use a up and down stairs and does the walk in your room. 

👉 Yoga

 Yoga is the way to meditate himself. Yoga is the healthiest method to stay fit and healthy from external and internal also. It is a long process but it provides us a more benefit comparison to other exercise. Now this time all around the world everyone wants to make Yoga part of his life.

30min. Yoga exercise burn approx. 145 calories.

Yoga provide a healthy life style  and reduce the heart disease, lots of disease ,  control overeating and resist us to unhealthy food.

👉 Swimming

   Swimming is a fun way to lose weight. It burns a lot of calories in a less time. But for this we need to special training. A child can Swimming add as a extra curricular  activities and it will reduce the child overweight problems.

30 min. swimming burn approx. 250 calories.

👉 Weight Training

 Weight Training can help you build strength and muscles growth. which can raise your resting metabolic rate. It is a popular choice among the people to lose weight. Weight training will be done  under special guidance in the beginning at the gym or home.

30 min. weight training burns approx. 115 calories.

👉 Interval Training 

It is a high intensity  interval training exercise. It can help you burn more calories in less time period. It is easily incorporate into your daily exercise routine. HIIT especially for burning  belly fat.

15-30 min. HIIT burns lot of calories more than the usual exercise.

These are some exercise which help to lose weight and stay fit. In all above mention exercise we can use anyone. Now a days stay fit and healthy is very important for our life style.  



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