Hair Care Tips for Healthy Hair

 Some Tips Can Make Your Hairs Healthy and Shiny 

Hairs is the important part of your body and they makes person good looking. If a person has good and healthy hair that improve his personality. But today life style pattern many person suffer hair loss, damage hair, roughness etc. problems. Here i am sharing many ideas to make your hairs healthy.

πŸ‘‰  Always Oiling Your Hairs Before Shampoo

 Oil gives your hair nutrition and shine. It always protect your hair form damage and save from split ends. It helps to improve your growth. Oiling and Messaging improve blood circulation in your scalp. you can chose many hair like Amla oil, Almond oil, Olive oil, Castor oil, Coconut oil, and any home made hair oil.

πŸ‘‰ Hair Wash Regular Time Period 

Hair wash is very important to keep your hairs shiny and damage free . It should be on time otherwise hairs catch dust and scalp become oil which is reason of brakeage hair. However, the right frequency depends on your conditions and personal 
preferences. In a week 2-3 times, we should wash the hair.

πŸ‘‰ Use Mild Shampoo 

It's very important to use a mild shampoo for healthy hair which a minimum amount damage your hair. A chemical free shampoo is good for your hairs. Chemical shampoo makes your hairs soft and shiny for a short term  with the help of lathering and preserving but they are too harmful  for your hair. Here we can use home made shampoo also.

πŸ‘‰  After Shampoo use Condition  Properly 

According today's environment hair needs conditioning which can be as a conditioner form or as a mask. Conditioner should be chemical free. It will help to make your hair straight and manageable. Now-a-days everyone use the heat for hair styling so we have to use some home made hair mask which prevent the hair  from heat damages. Conditioner should be use after shampoo.

πŸ‘‰ Use The Natural Way to Hair Dry 

Hair have to be dry naturally without use of any heat. Heat damages us hair. Air drying and Towel drying is best way  dry for hairs. Never does a comb on wet hair, it will breakage your hair. When hair will dry, for some time tie your hairs from any clutch that makes your hair more soft. 

πŸ‘‰ Use a Wide- Toothed Comb and Wooden Comb

Always use a wide- toothed comb. It will minimize hair fall. Wooden comb is the best quality as comb, It help to prevent break your hair.

πŸ‘‰  Drink Water 

Daily drink 3-4 liter water helps to make your hairs healthy naturally. Internal care is also required with Internal care. Water will keep hydrate your body internally which provides you a stronger hair 

πŸ‘‰  Eat Healthy 

Eat healthy food is also important with drink water.
Healthy food makes your body internally fulfill with proteins and nutrition. Always a good hair need protein and nutrition. It makes your hair strong and long. 

πŸ‘‰  Trim Regularly 

Trim your hair every  within 6-8 weeks. Hairs need to split ends after some time whose stop the hair growth and make rough. 

πŸ‘‰ Protect From Sun 

when you go out the home, always use a umbrella and hat cap because sun damage your very fast. Hairs catch the outer dust which is also increase the roughness. 

πŸ‘‰ Styling The Hair Naturally 

we have to try style us hair as natural way without using any heat equipment. when we are at home, tie to hair with rubber band whose help to grow us hair and reduce the hair fall.



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